Client Solutions
Tall & Supertall Buildings
As tall buildings climb to new heights, there’s no margin for error. Experience counts. With an unparalleled global portfolio of skyscrapers, we’ve got the chops to rise to every challenge – including yours.

Here's How
Unmatched Experience
For 10 of the last 20 years, the world’s tallest building has been a Thornton Tomasetti structure. And soon it will be again. Our engineers pair a deep understanding of how towers work with new angles, approaches and answers that help you go taller, faster and better.
Solutions, Not Silos
We do more than just structure. From façade design to floor-vibration control, from security to sustainability, our interdisciplinary team delivers integrated, efficient results. And we’re there for you at every step. Feasibility studies. Design. Peer review. Value engineering. Construction support. We’re not happy until you are.
Collaboration + Technology
New technologies are raising the bar on how tall buildings can go. But computer programs alone aren’t the answer. We believe that collaboration amplifies our innovative potential. It’s why we foster an open, communicative culture that empowers our teams to share knowledge and ideas across all levels and disciplines. That’s how we discover the right questions to ask – and answer. That’s how we keep our eye on the big picture. That’s how we redefine the possible.
To Us, Global Is Local
Design and construction vary greatly from place to place. On big projects, local geology, weather, materials availability and regulations have a huge influence on what will work. At Thornton Tomasetti, we’ve built towers around the globe, and we have teams on the ground worldwide. This means that no matter where you are or who you're working with, our people can understand your project’s nuances – and can give you access to a reservoir of knowledge and resources across our network.
Advancing the Industry
At Thornton Tomasetti, our people don’t just design towers. We also have a history of helping to invent the future of tall building design. In the 1980s, Richard Tomasetti developed the stressed-skin tube system, and Charlie Thornton popularized the use of super-columns with diagonal outriggers.
Our tall-building experts continue to push the state of the art forward, through project work and involvement with key industry organizations. A few examples? Hi Sun Choi and Len Joseph literally wrote the book on Outrigger Design for High-Rise Buildings for CTBUH. We have partnered with ACI to increase knowledge about the use of high-strength concrete. John Peronto chairs the ASCE Tall Buildings Committee and designed the tallest timber tower in the United States. We’re also at the forefront of developing new technologies that optimize the design of tall and supertall structures, including Hummingbird, a new kind of tuned mass damper.
Lasting Impact
Done right, a tall building can revitalize a neighborhood or put a city on the map. Tall buildings are special places where thousands gather to work, play and live for years to come. With our unequaled combination of experience and ingenuity, we can tackle the toughest problems and make your sky-high hopes a reality.