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Low-Carbon Concrete

We have the experience and capabilities to help reduce the carbon footprint of your project’s concrete.

Low Carbon Concrete Courtesy ZGF
Low Carbon Concrete (c) Hufton+Crow
Year We Initiated Our Embodied-Carbon Spec for Concrete 2021
Global Carbon Emissions Attributed To Cement 8%
Reduction in carbon footprint in the concrete frame for Amazon’s Metropolitan Park 20%


Concrete is the world’s most widely used building material. Cement is a key ingredient in concrete, and its production accounts for about 8% of global carbon emissions every year.

We've been leading industry efforts to reduce the carbon footprint of structural materials since 2013, and we have the means to help achieve large carbon-footprint reductions for projects of any scale, including:

  • In-house tools and expertise to significantly reduce embodied carbon in projects.
  • Institutional planning for low-carbon and zero-carbon futures.

how We Can Help

Starting from concept-level studies, we guide designs toward lower concrete volumes and increased efficiency. We use design tools like Beacon to evaluate and track the carbon footprints of our concrete frames. Then we leverage our global presence and in-depth knowledge of local markets to integrate novel low-carbon and carbon-negative materials into structures, advancing the move toward carbon-neutral buildings.

Here’s How: Embodied Carbon Podcasts

We're serious about carbon reduction in the built environment:

How We Are Combating Climate Change

Our Team