Humber College, Parking Garage
The new seven-level, open air parking garage provides 1,000 spaces and includes solar panels along the roof and two sides of the façade.
Humber College’s Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning in Toronto is one of Canada's leading post secondary institutions, offering coursework in pursuit of bachelor’s degrees, diplomas, certificates, Ontario graduate certificates and apprenticeship programs. The school's seven-level, open air parking garage provides 1,000 spaces and includes solar panels along the roof and two sides of the façade, electric vehicle charging stations, office, retail and commercial spaces. The building is also expected to facilitate 693-kilowatts power generation for the parking garage and nearby Humber College buildings.
We provided structural engineering and connection design services under a design-build contract to Turner Fleischer and Newton Group Ltd. for the garage, which was completed in 2019.
- The structural design of the parking garage features a mix of precast and cast-in-place footings with a steel superstructure.
- In order to accommodate the client’s fast-track schedule, we provided BIM modeling for precast, steel and foundation elements as well as steel connection detailing services.
- The steel frame supports CANADACAR Parking Structure System, made of precast deck panels and precast stair cores, which is well-suited for the fast-track project.