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Saffron Wyse

Ph.D., CEng, MSCI, MIMechE Associate Principal & Warrington Office Co-Director


Dr. Wyse has over 15 years consultancy experience spanning multiple industrial sectors, specialising in fluid dynamics. In her management role she is responsible for identifying and developing solutions to clients’ problems, helping to drive innovation and improvements through the use of advanced analysis techniques. Her area of expertise includes process engineering and pressurised fluid flow behaviour, multiphase flow analysis, external flow, pipe flow simulation, flow assurance, heat transfer, combustion, gas leak modelling and explosion prevention, and rotating turbomachinery. She has a background in developing bespoke modelling tools, and has a wide skill set including hand calculations and semi-empirical modelling, 1D network modelling, heat transfer analysis and 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). This experience is complemented by her PhD in CFD.