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Bob Smilowitz Recognized With ASCE Award

Congratulations to Bob Smilowitz, who is the latest recipient of the American Society of Civil Engineers’ Ernest E. Howard Award. The award recognizes an ASCE member for their contributions in advancing the field of structural engineering.
A leader in our firm's Protective Design and Security practice, Bob is a recognized expert in blast-resistant analysis and design. Over the course of his 47-year career, he has been involved in the design of numerous government facilities, including U.S. embassies, federal and state courthouses and office buildings, as well as air terminals, financial institutions, hospitals and a NATO Command Center. He also served as the principal blast engineer for redevelopment of the former World Trade Center site, including Freedom Tower and the World Trade Center Memorial and Museum.
Bob, who is an ASCE Structural Engineering Institute Fellow, was honored by the organization for his “international leadership in protecting lives from acts of terrorism through structural design and public policy and for teaching protective design to the next generation of engineers.”