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2021 Lifestyle-Friendly Workplace Update

In 2021, the second year of the pandemic, COVID-19 continued to loom large. The bulk of our employees continued to work remotely, and mental health issues were a major concern for people everywhere. In response, we expanded our employee assistance program internationally and increased communication about our wellness tool kit. Health safety was especially important for employees returning to work in person, and 384 of our people moved into our new New York headquarters, which recently earned the International WELL Building Institute Health-Safety Rating.
Notably, use of paternity leave rose (see GRI Content Index 401-3) this year, with 30 fathers claiming the full six weeks of paid leave (maternity leave is 10 weeks), either consecutively or nonconsecutively. Our fitness reimbursement (188 participants) and student loan matching (15 enrollees) programs also remained popular.
A 2021 voluntary employee survey with 83 percent participation revealed that 76 percent of our employees are satisfied with their current benefits. In 2020, we rolled out new wellness benefits in response to the pandemic, and in 2021, we continued to offer all employees membership in a meditation and mindfulness program and free installation and use of a fitness steps application. Our ongoing financial wellness seminars engaged 40 percent of our employees. And our corporate responsibility grants program assisted 18 of our offices with employee wellness improvements such as healthcare kits, yoga classes, healthy food, air purifiers, ergonomic equipment, and other items and activities.