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Nondestructive Testing

Our comprehensive expertise lets us customize NDT solutions for specific materials, structural components and assemblies, and inspection requirements.

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Ultrasonic testing to detect the debonding of steel base plate on a grout bed.
Ultrasonic testing to detect the debonding of steel base plate on a grout bed. Thornton Tomasetti

NDT enables us to detect and quantify anomalies and discontinuities within materials and structures without altering or damaging them. Because it can be tailored to meet an enormous variety of needs, it's useful not only in AEC but in a wide range of industries in which the integrity and safety of materials and structures are critical.  

Evaluating the strength, durability and performance of materials, structural components and systems is essential for engineering the built environment to ensure proper functioning and prevent structural, mechanical or material failures. Traditionally, this has been done by exposing part of the structure and inserting probes, drilling cores or extracting samples – a method known as destructive testing (DT).

In contrast, nondestructive testing employs wave technologies like ground-penetrating radar and ultrasound to create visualizations of the insides of structures and materials, enabling us to examine them without causing damage and to evaluate their properties without removing any materials. 

In the AEC industry, we often use NDT to support new construction, renovations and forensic investigations. It’s an effective tool for verifying rebar placement, detecting weld deficiencies, estimating in-situ concrete strength and assessing the bond strength of repairs and overlays. It can also help detect voids in concrete, measure vibration frequencies and damping, and evaluate the corrosion of steel bars in concrete.  

But its usefulness doesn’t stop there. NDT can be implemented in a variety of industries, to perform a wide range of tasks:

  • Manufacturing. To evaluate metal parts, welds and composite materials for manufacturing facilities
  • Oil and gas. To check pipelines and storage tanks for cracks, corrosion and other defects 
  • Automotive. To ensure the safety and durability of vehicle parts
  • Power. To inspect turbines, reactors and other critical power-plant components 
  • Railway. To inspect train tracks and wheels
  • Maritime. To verify the integrity of ship hulls, offshore platforms and underwater structures

Our forensics professionals apply industry-leading experience and ingenuity to identify flaws, irregularities, and discontinuities in different types of materials and structural systems. Our expertise covers material science, chemical engineering and fracture mechanics, along with advanced knowledge of techniques for identifying defects in structures and components, including: 

  • For concrete: Ground-penetrating radar, ultrasonic pulse velocity, half-cell potential, impact-echo, and other specialized test methods
  • For metals (steel, aluminum, alloys, etc.): Visual and ultrasonic testing, along with expert guidance of radiographic, magnetic-particle, liquid-penetrant, eddy-current and other specialized methods

We also perform service-life analyses and fitness-for-service assessments to evaluate the remaining life of systems and components, based on defects and damage identified by NDT. 

When properly applied, NDT can yield a host of benefits:

  • It’s versatile. NDT can be performed alone or in combination with other test procedures, or as a preliminary method to be verified by physical testing.
  • It’s often safer. Since no cores or samples are extracted, no drills or other power tools are used, reducing the risk of injury to testers.
  • It’s more economical. NDT often costs less than physical testing.
  • It’s environmentally friendly. Compared to other test methods, NDT produces little to no waste.
  • It’s comprehensive. NDT doesn’t alter the tested materials, so it can be performed at every stage of manufacturing, construction, investigation or renovation.
  • It reduces downtime. NDT often allows testing of materials while they’re still in use.
  • It preserves structural integrity. NDT doesn’t affect the usefulness, resilience or appearance of the item being tested.
  • It improves accident prevention. NDT helps determine whether a product is safe to use by detecting irregularities or imperfections before a failure occurs.
  • It can be repeated endlessly. NDT can be performed as frequently as necessary without creating cumulative or lingering effects on tested items. 

With expertise rivaling that of any firm in the industry, our team goes out of its way to bring you the best NDT service available anywhere.

  • Strategic partnerships. We team with outside testing firms, sharing our in-house expertise to guarantee the safety and integrity of structures and components. 
  • Deep NDT expertise. Our team has broad experience and specialized knowledge in a wide range of NDT methods, ensuring comprehensive and accurate assessments.
  • Cutting-edge technology. We invest in the latest NDT equipment and software to deliver reliable results.
  • Tailored solutions. We customize our NDT services to meet specific project needs and industry regulations.
  • Collaborative approach. We work closely with clients to develop a customized NDT plan that meets their needs – and their budgets.
  • Rapid response. We understand that time is often of the essence, so we offer quick turnarounds and flexible scheduling to keep projects on track.
  • Data analysis and reporting. Our NDT professionals provide expert field data analysis and detailed reports with actionable recommendations for repairs, maintenance or replacement.

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