Boston Façade Ordinance
To maintain the safety of the public, the city of Boston requires periodic inspections of building facades. Here's how we can help.

To maintain the safety of the public, The City of Boston Inspectional Services Department (ISD) requires periodic inspections of building exteriors (facades). Boston building owners and their building managers should make themselves aware of these municipal code requirements. Owners that are not in compliance with the Ordinance may be subjected to fines of $300 per day by ISD.
Boston Façade Inspection Report
City of Boston Code Ordinance Section 9-9.12 requires that all exterior walls (and appurtenances) of buildings that are over 70 feet in height be inspected by a registered professional (architect or engineer) at least once every 5 years. For non-occupied buildings over 35,000 cubic feet (excluding residential buildings that are classified as three family, two family, or single family except as required by the Commissioner) the length of time between inspections is shortened to only 1 year.
In addition to the inspection - which must include a representative physical, hands-on examination - a written report must be administered by the registered professional. The inspection report and an affidavit from the Building Owner must be submitted to ISD on a proper form along with a payment of $200. If the exterior walls of the building are deemed to be safe by the registered professional and no repairs are necessary, ISD will issue an Exterior Wall Certificate to the Building Owner that is valid for 5 years.
How We Can Help
Thornton Tomasetti’s Renewal practice provides property owners and managers with solutions to a wide range of structural and façade needs for properties of every use, age and construction type. We have tremendous expertise in performing structural and façade assessments in cities throughout the U.S., including decades of experience with the Boston Façade Ordinance.
Our local team of engineering and architectural experts is ready to help with all your needs and any required follow-on measures – beyond the Section 9-9.12 inspection including preparing and filing repair documents, assisting with contractor bidding and performing construction-phase services. In addition to completing the inspections and reports required by ISD, we can also assist with façade maintenance programs and/or repair programs to meet the specific needs of each building and each owner.