Tuned Mass Dampers
Preventing unwanted movement – from the inconvenient to the catastrophic – is vital for successful structures. Our experts help keep undesirable sway and vibration in their place.
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Tuned mass dampers (TMDs) are used to reduce vibration in floors, long-span structures, bridges and towers. Each type of structure needs a different approach. Our experts use tried-and-true solutions and innovative technology to conquer undesirable sway and vibration in buildings of every type.
When unwanted movement presents a potential problem, run in-depth analysis to predict how the structure will behave in real-world circumstances. Then we collaborate with your team to develop control measures that work best for your project. Our engineers are experienced in design of all types of TMDs and have extensive experience in the design of traditional solid and liquid dampers.
Is movement or vibration already a problem in your structure? We can analyze that, too, and shape effective fixes that don’t compromise function – or break the bank.
Thornton Tomasetti is also a trailblazer in TMD innovation. We developed a new damping method – the Hummingbird fluid harmonic damper (FHD) – which uses a NASA-developed fluid-structure calibrating device to precisely tune the behavior of water in a pipe. Because FHDs control vibration using only a third of the mass of traditional dampers, they take up less space and can be supported on lighter structures. These features make FHDs a great new option for both existing and new structures.
We also have a strategic agreement with FSDA’s CALM®FLOOR active mass damping (AMD) technology, a highly innovative product for controlling building floor vibrations and enabling more sustainable structures